2013-05-22 16:03:28 益择发布舒若杰1 ,3 , 高建恩1 ,2 ,3 , 吴普特1 ,2 ,3 , 田栋1 ,3
(11 西北农林科技大学; 21 中国科学院水土保持研究所; 31 国家节水灌溉杨凌工程技术中心: 712100 , 陕西杨凌)
摘要 为寻找天然降雨和人工模拟降雨特征及设计人工降雨装置的新方法,运用计算机绘图软件与传统色斑法相
繁、精度低的缺陷,使测量下限由1 mm下降到012 mm ,测量范围扩大了一个数量级,大大减少了测量工作量,并得
关键词 降雨特性; 雨滴谱; 色斑法; 雨滴直径; 雨滴密度
收稿日期: 2005 09 05 修回日期: 2005 11 30
项目名称: 国家863 节水专项(2002AA2Z4051 2) ;科技部农业科技成果转化资金(02EFN217101279) ;中国科学院水土保持研究
所创新前沿(C23013700) ;西部开发科技行动(2002BA901A26)
第一作者简介: 舒若杰(1980 —) ,男,在读硕士。主要研究方向:水土保持与雨水资源调控利用。E2mail : shuruojie @163. com
通讯作者简介: 高建恩(1962 —) ,男,研究员。主要研究方向:地表径流调控与利用。E2mail : gaojianen @126. com
Test method of raindrop spectrum using plotting software of computer
Shu Ruojie1 ,3 , Gao Jian’en1 ,2 ,3 , Wu Pute1 ,2 ,3 , Tian Dong1 ,2
(11Northwest Sci2tech University of Agriculture and Forestry ; 21Institute of Soil and Water Conservation of Chinese Academy of Sciences
and Ministry of Water Resources ; 31National Engineering Research Center for Water Saving Irrigation at Yangling : 712100 , Yangling , Shannxi China)
Abstract Raindrop spectrum observation is a key work to research characteristics of natural precipitation and
simulated precipitation and design equipment of rainfall simulator precipitation. Combining plotting software of
computer with traditional Color2spot method , a new method for raindrop diameter measuring and data process2
ing was probed into. The method decreased the lower limit of measurement from 110 mm to 012 mm , it
enlarged the measure range as 10 times as before , and reduced the work quantity largely. The correlation for2
mula between raindrop diameter and Color2plot diameter was educed , whose applicability and advantages were
tested. Results showed that the formula would be the best when raindrop spectrum was analyzed by improved
Color2spot method.
Key words characteristics of precipitation ; raindrop spectrum; Color2spot method ; raindrop diameter ; rain2
drop density
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