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2013-05-29 15:55:10    益择发布
董云升 刘文清 刘建国 陆亦怀 韩道文 张天舒 赵雪松 黄书华
(中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所, 安徽合肥230031)
摘要 机动车排放造成的城市空气污染是目前亟待解决的问题之一。为了分析机动车排放对北京市大气污染的
影响,于2007 年8 月在北京市健翔桥附近利用米氏(Mie) 散射激光雷达,对交通排放的颗粒物进行了长时间连续
立体监测。实验选取2007 年8 月16 日至21 日机动车限行前后的典型数据进行分析,对激光雷达系统及其数据处
关键词 激光雷达;大气气溶胶;大气颗粒物;机动车排放;颗粒物质量浓度
中图分类号 TN958. 98    文献标识码 A    doi : 10. 3788/ AOS20103002. 0315
App l ic a t i o n S t u dy of L i da r i n Ur ba n Tr af f ic Pol l ut i on
Dong Yunsheng  Liu Wenqing  Liu J ianguo  Lu Yihuai  Han Daowen
Zhang Tianshu  Zhao Xuesong  Huang Shuhua
( An h ui Ins t i t ute of Op t ics a n d Fi ne Mecha nics , Chi nese Aca demy of Sciences , Hef ei , An h ui 230031 , Chi n a)
Abs t r act  At p resent , one of the urgent p roblems need to solve is the motor vehicle causes to urban air pollution. In
order to analyse the effect of the motor vehicle cont ribute to the urban air pollution of Beijing , the particulate mass
characte ris tic over J ianxiang bridge was monitored continually with lidar in Augus t of 2007. The rep resentative data
which was monitored during Beijing to rehearse olympics t raffic cont rol was discussed. The sys tem st ructure and
technical paramete rs of Mie lidar were p resented and t he data2p rocessing method was discussed , the particulate mass
concent ration was ret rieved. The particulate mass concent rations with the t raffic volume we re compared and black
carbon (BC) concent rations which we re measured in the similar meteorologic condition during t raffic uncont rolled.
The results indicated that the particulate mass concent ration was falling , and the re was a good cor relation between
the particulate mass concent rations and the t raffic volume . All these p roved that the p rogram of t raffic cont rolled
imp roved the quality of the city air .
Key wor ds  lidar ; atmosphe ric aerosol ; particulate mass ; vehicle emission ; particulate mass concent ration





