2013-05-29 16:08:07 益择发布邸帅 张国华
中国航天科工集团公司第二研究院203 所
特点进行了相关讨论。然后本文分别以20B1 精密可变延时线、标准空气线为测量对象对AgilentE8363 矢
量网络分析仪的时延测量精度进行了验证。在此基础上,本文针对HP5364 下变频器群时延指标中的疑问
使用基于DSO81204 示波器的时域方法和基于E8363 矢量网络分析仪的频域方法分别对其进行了实际测试,
给出了两种实验的测量结果,并将测量结果进行了相互印证。实验结果表明,E8363 矢量网络分析仪对频
关键字:矢量网络分析仪时延 群时延 测量
Increasing Accuracy of Delay Measuremnets
by Vector Network Analyzer
Di Shuai Zhang Guohua
The Second Academy 203 Institute of China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation
Abstract: Delay characteristics is one of the key specifications and delay measurements is an active topic in
measurement area. This paper first introduces a novel method of classification of delay measurement technology
compared with former literatures and discusses the advantage and disadvantage of these two kinds of methods.
Then, the paper makes verification of the accuracy of VNA by measuring 20B1 variable time delay cable and
airline. On the basis of former experiment the paper gives the results of two experiments, one is based on
DSO81204 oscilloscope and the other is based on E8363 VNA. In both of two experiments the DUT is HP5364
down converter. The experiments show that E8363 VNA can greatly increased the accuracy of delay measurement
of frequency translating devices.
Key words: Vector Network Analyzer, Delay, Group Delay, Measurement
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