2013-06-08 16:20:57 益择发布丁 凡 文必洋 沈 伟 黄晓静
(武汉大学电子信息学院, 湖北武汉430079)
摘要: 提出了一种新的离岸流观测方法. 该方法利用超高频岸基雷达观测离岸流运动,并利用雷达电磁波与
间. 对近岸浪破碎潜在产生的离岸流进行了评估,弥补了传统利用海流计测量的不足. 实验结果表明超高频岸
关 键 词: 离岸流; 超高频雷达; 流速测量; 浪高; 探测
中图分类号: TV139. 24 ; TN958. 93 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 167124512 (2010) 0520037204
Appl ication of ultra high frequency radars in rip current detection
Di ng Fan Wen B i y an g S hen Wei Huang X i aoj i ng
(School of Elect ronic Information , Wuhan University , Wuhan 430079 , China)
Abstract : A new met hod to detect t he rip current detection with ult ra high f requency radars was pro2
posed. Doppler f requency deviation caused by t he interaction between elect romagnetic wave and rip
current was used to obtain the f requency character of t he rip current . The velocity , wave height , loca2
tion and per sistent time were analyzed. The potential rip current produced by broken inshore wave
was evaluated. Experiment s in the east coast of China show that t he p roposed method is validated.
This approach can be widely used in inshore current field evaluation , because it makes up t he deficien2
cy of t raditional current meter measurement met hod.
Key words : rip current ; ult ra high f requency radar ; velocity measurement ; wave height ; detection
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