2013-06-08 17:36:53 益择发布李幼平1, 3
, 禹秉熙2
, 韩昌元2
, 李 柱2, 3
( 1. 北京市地理信息研究所, 北京100011;
2. 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所应用光学国家重点实验室, 吉林长春130033;
3. 中国科学院研究生院, 北京100039)
摘要: 对应用需求、卫星可提供资源和技术能力等方面进行综合工程技术权衡, 提出了总体优化的光学结构设计方案。
设计了在0. 4~ 2. 5 Lm 工作, 焦距为800 mm, 焦比为4. 5, 视场为1. 43b 的非球面三反射镜望远镜和棱镜色散非球面准
直- 成像光学结构的新型成像光谱仪, 其调制传递函数(MT F) 达到0. 44~ 0. 62, 光谱分辨率为3~ 23 nm, 仪器的总重量
约为70 kg 。在焦平面器件性能和信噪比等技术指标相同的情况下, 如果用光栅或干涉式傅里叶变换光谱仪, 则需要FN
在3 以下, 仪器的总重量将> 100 kg 。取得了成像光谱仪分辨率高、积分时间短, 焦平面器件接受的辐射能量弱等参数
关 键 词: 卫星遥感; 权衡优化; 望远镜; 成像光谱仪
中图分类号: T P752; TH 744. 1 文献标识码: A
Tradeoff optimization design of optical configuration
on imaging spectrometer
LI You-ping 1, 3 , YU Bing-x i2 , HAN Chang-y uan2 , LI Zhu2, 3
(1. Beij ing Insti tute of Geogr ap hy Inf ormation, Beij ing 100011, China; 2. State K ey L aboratory of Ap pl ied
Op ti cs, Changchun I nst itut e of Op ti cs , Fine Mechani cs and P hy si cs , Chinese A cademy of Sci ences ,
Changchun 130033, China; 3. Graduat e School of the Chinese Academy of Science, Beij ing 100039, China)
Abstract: U sing the t radeof f opt imizat ion of the applicat ion requirement and the available techno logy,
an optimized opt ical sy stem w as int roduced to desig n a new ty pe of imaging spect rometer consist ing of
a thr ee-mirro r-of f-ax is anast igmat ( TMA) , a dispersiv e prism and an asphere mir ror co llimating and
imaging system. T his kind of imaging spect rometer w orks over the spectr al reg ion of 0. 4~ 2. 5 Lm
and the focal length is 800 mm, FN = 4. 5, FOV = 1. 43b, the MTF can r each 0. 44~ 0. 62, spect rum
resolut ion is about 3~ 23 nm, and the to tal mass is abo ut 70 kg . While the FN must be w ithin 3 and
the total mass w ill reach 100 kg if uses the type o f imaging spect rometer of grat ing or interference
Fourier t ransform spect rometer at the conditio n of the same pro pert ies o f fo cal plane element s and
SNR. It is show ed that the system has an opt imum co nf iguration in hig h resolut ions of g round and
spect rum, shor t integral time and low accepted radiant energy, it can be used in select ing the opt ical
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