2013-06-20 10:44:08 益择发布尚新娟
[文章摘要] 本文介绍了一种以80C552单片机为控制核心,采用新型可编程通用单片机外围芯片PSD311、I2C芯片24C256、看门狗电路、DS1302、语音电路API8208、OCM320*240LCD和M-T102热敏打印机等器件构成的尿液分析仪。阐述了尿液分析仪的基本工作原理和封闭化、模块化的设计思路;采用软、硬件相互配合,实现对环境温度、环境光和尿色等因素的自动补偿,实现了数据的采集、处理、显示、打印、串行通信等功能;采用超大规模液晶显示器作为人机对话窗口;并带有实时时钟和语音提示功能。整个仪器操作方便,测量结果准确。
[关 键 字] 尿液分析仪 80C552 语音 I2C
The design of new-type Urine Analyzer
Shang Xinjuan1 Wang Quanjing2 Wang Zhenju3
((1 Jinan Railway Polytechnic,Jinan 250014,2Shandong Jianzhu University, Mechatronics Engineering Dept,Jinan.250101,
3 Jinan Sijian Group Construction CO.,LTD,Jinan 250031)
Abstract: This paper introduces an Urine Analyzer which uses 80C552 as its master controller. Other hardware embraces PSD311,serial E2PROM24C256,Watchdog,DS1302, high quality voice synthesizer API8208,OCM320*240LCD and thermal printer M-T102,and so on. This paper also introduces the rationale of this instrument ,and module and closed mentality of designing; It adopts software and hardware to realize automatic compensation for environment temperature and luminance and urine color.The data gathering, processing, display, print and serial communication is realized; Super large-scale LCD is used as Interactive window; Real-time clock display and voice prompt; The result of measurement is quite right and the instrument is also easy to operate.
Key words: Urine Analyzer 80C552 Voice synthesizer I2C
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