2013-03-07 11:27:48 益择发布韩红新,吴莉宇,徐 志,袁宏球
(中国热带农业科学院 分析测试中心,海口 571101)
摘要:应用高效液相色谱- 质谱联用同时分析蔬菜中氟铃脲、伏虫隆、虱螨脲、氟虫脲4 种农药残留。 液相色
谱柱采用C 1 8 柱,大气压化学模式电离,多反映离子监测方式检测,方法对氟铃脲、伏虫隆、虱螨脲、氟虫脲
检出限分别为0.02、0.02、0.02、0.02 mg/kg,在0.05~0.5 mg/kg范围内回收率为75.2%~84.5%。
关键词:高效液相色谱- 质谱联用;残留;氟铃脲;伏虫隆;虱螨脲;氟虫脲
中图分类号:TQ450.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-0413(2008)03-0198-03
LC-MS Method for Determination of 4 Pesticides Residues in Vegetables
HAN Hong-xin, WU Li-yu, XU Zhi, YUAN Hong-qiu
(Analysis and Testing Center, Chinese Academy of Tropic Agriculture Sciences, Haikou 571101, China)
Abstract: A high-performance liquid chromatographic(HPLC)-tandem mass spectrometry(MS)method was developed
to analysis four pesticides residue, including hexaflumuron, teflubenzuron, lurfenuron and flufenoxuron. Sample
analyte enrichment was performed by a C18 column. Identification and quantification were carried out using atmospheric
pressure chemical ionization mode and multiple reaction monitoring(MRM). The limits of detection for
hexaflumuron, teflubenzuron, lurfenuron and flufenoxuron were 0.02, 0.02, 0.02 and 0.02 mg/kg. In the ranger of 0.05-
0.5 mg/kg, the recovery were 75.2-84.5%.
Key words: high-performance liquid chromatography-trandem mass spectrometry; residues; hexaflumuron;
teflubenzuron; lurfenuron; flufenoxuron
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