2013-03-19 16:17:19 益择发布支辛辛1 , 汪 雨2 , 张玲金1
(1. 国家地质实验测试中心, 北京 100037; 2. 吉林农业大学 资源与环境学院, 吉林 长春 130118)
摘 要: 研究利用炭石灰作为反相固定相, 萃取水中12种有机氯农药, 并用GC /ECD检测。实验表明, 炭石
灰萃取水中有机氯的效果与商品柱的萃取效果相当, 对于200 mL添加40 ng有机氯农药混合标准溶液水样,
其目标化合物的回收率为70%~122% , 检出限为01023~01124μg/L, 多次重复实验测定的相对标准偏差为
3140%~1219% ( n = 5) 。
关键词: 固相萃取; 炭石灰; 有机氯农药
中图分类号: O65812; S482132 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004 - 4957 (2006) 05 - 0030 - 03
Active Carbon - Calcium hydroxide as a Solid2phase Extraction Adsorbent for
the Determination of OCPs inWater
ZH I Xin2xin1 , WANG Yu2 , ZHANG L ing2jin1
(1. National Geological Testing Center, Beijing 100037, China; 2. College of Resources and Environment,
J ilin AgriculturalUniversity, Changchun 130118, China)
Ab s tra c t: The adsorp tive potential of active carbon - calcium hydroxide (ACCH) for solid2phase ex2
traction of organochlorine pesticides in waterwas investigated for the first time. The analyteswere quan2
titatively adsorbed on an active carbon - calcium hydroxide2packed cartridge, and the analytes retained
on the cartridge were quantitatively desorbed with suitable amounts of acetone and hexane. Finally, the
analytes in the eluentwere measured by gas chromatography. Parameters influencing the extraction effi2
ciency, such as samp le solution volume, pH of the samp le, solid2phase extraction adsorbent amount,
and eluent solution and eluent volume were examined. Comparative studies showed that active carbon -
calcium hydroxide was at least as effective as C18 for the extraction ofOCPs in water. When the extrac2
tion volume was less than 300 mL there was no OCPs detected for saturated OCPs solution. The accura2
cy of the p roposed method was tested by recoverymeasurements on sp iked samp les, and good recovery
results ( 70% - 122% ) were obtained compared with liquid - liquid extraction method. The relative
standard deviation was from 3140% to 1219%. The detection limit of thismethod ranges from 01023 to
01124μg/L for different organochlorine pesticides.
Key wo rd s: Solid2phase extraction; Active carbon - calcium hydroxide; Organochlorine pesticide
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