OMRON小型PLC 在食品包装机械、 冷水机组控制系统中的应用
2013-03-22 10:44:11 益择发布冷水机组控制系统中的应用
郑庆伟1, 田旭东1, 潘利2
( 1. 合肥通用机械研究院; 2. OMRON 自动化( 中国) 统辖集团)
! 收稿日期: 2006- 01- 08
作者简介: 郑庆伟( 1978~) , 男, 助理工程师, 现在合肥通用机械研究院制冷环境所从事电气控制系统的研
摘要: 文章详细描述了OMRON 小型PLC 的配置和技术特点, 提出了适合食品包装机
械、冷水机组控制需要的控制系统, 介绍了控制软件的功能。对于食品包装机械、冷水机组
关键词: PLC; 通讯协议; 能量调节; 远程监控
中图分类号: TB487 文献标识码: B 文章编号: 1005- 1295( 2006) 01- 0036- 04
The Application of OMRON Minitype PLC in Packaging
and Food Machinery and Water Chiller
ZHENG Qing"wei, TIAN Xu"dong, PAN Li
Abstr act: This article introduce the configuration and characteristic of OMRON minitype Programmable Logic
Controller (PLC) ,and put forward the control system to demand the control of Packaging and food machinery and
Water chiller,and introduce the function of software.This article also discuss the hardware and software agreement of
computer system of packaging and food machinery and water chiller.This article can be reference of produce engineer
of packaging and food machinery and water chiller.
Key words: Programmable Logic Controller (PLC); communication agreement; energy control; remote control
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