2013-05-15 10:16:36 益择发布屈尔庆
(唐山钢铁股份有限公司自动化公司, 河北唐山 063000)
摘 要:传统的信号发生器其功能完全靠硬件实现,功能单一而且用户的购置、维护费用高。更重要的是,对于传统的
关键词:虚拟仪器; 信号发生器; LabVIEW; FFT
中图分类号: TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10042373X(2010) 1120106202
Design of Signal Generator Based on LabVIEW
QU Er2qing
( Tangshan Steel Co. Ltd. , Tangshan 063009 , China)
Abstract : The functions of the t raditional signal generators are carried out solely on hardware. Only one of it s functions
can be set at the same time and can not be altered once they are fixed. The cost of the generator for purchasing and
maintaining is high. Therefore , the virtual signal generator was developed. It can achieve the input and output of multi sig2
nals , and it s parameters such as signal output f requency and amplitude can be adjusted timely. The advantages of this virtual
signal generator are that the users confine the functions of the generator and the upgrading and enlargement of the systematic
functions are convenient .
Keywords : virtual inst rument ; signal generator ; LabVIEW; FFT
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